Your biceps are primarily for show, and you either have good genetics where they're short (like Popeye) and have potential to look huge or have longer biceps that'll take more work. It takes some time to grow Herculean biceps. After all of your workouts, make sure to get enough protein either through a shake, lean piece of meat, or any other source with an adequate amount. You will also need to get enough sleep each and every night to give your biceps time to grow and repair. With all bicep workouts, inhale when you curl the weight and exhale when you complete the rep.
Top 5 Bicep Workouts:
1. Standing Bicep Curl with dumbbells: This is a basic exercise that works your whole bicep. You can do this by standing up, arms by your side, and your palms forward with the dumbell in your hand. Curl the weight up until your fist almost hits your shoulder, and make sure to flex your bicep throughout. Next, slowly lower the dumbbell back to by your side and repeat. Make sure when you do any bicep workouts you keep your arms and elbows locked by your sides to ensure you're working just your bicep and not back or shoulder. You want to choose a weight you can do 8 times and where it leaves you feeling sore. Do about 3 sets of 8.
2. Standing Hammer Curls: This is one of my favorites and it's similar to the regular curl. The only difference is that you're clenching the weight with your palms facing inward. When you're performing this exercise, it'll look like you are trying to hammer a nail with the dumbbells. You'll want to do this workout towards the end of the other bicep exercises because it'll burn. You also want to do this with lower weight to feel the burn more. Do about 3 sets of 10 reps.
3. Seated Preacher Curls: You'll be seated on this one on a preacher machine (usually a seat that has a declined pad in front of it). You also will use an ez-bar barbell or a straight bar with an adequate amount of weight. This is one of the best isolation exercises that'll really burn your bicep and make it grow fast! On this one you have to make sure you are using only biceps because it's easy to try and lean over it and pull with your back.
4. Standing Barbell Curl: This one is similar to the standing bicep curl, but you're using a barbell here. You can add a little more weight than you would for the dumbbells. Again on this one you want to stand straight and take an underhand grip on the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart. Make sure when you're doing this you keep your abdominals tight along with your back. Be careful that when you're lifting this that you keep your arms locked by your sides and only allow your biceps to lift it. If you're having to lean down and using your back, you have too much weight on there.
5. Reverse Curls: You can do these either standing or sitting. You do this with either the dumbells or the barbell. The only difference is that you use an overhand grip, like the grip you use when riding a bicycle. This exercise not only works your biceps, you'll also feel it in your forearms and wrist.
After you try these basic bicep workouts you can change it up a little bit by doing the same movements, with cables, cattlebells, or any other machine you have access to. Remember you won't get results overnight, but if you stick with a steady routine and get the right amount of protein and sleep, you should be seeing results in no time.
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photo credit: http://media.canada.com/d2ab0b62-0cf1-4ff2-b5d2-35b7f81fc208/210bicep.jpg
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