With so many people becoming overweight and obese in today's society, cardiovascular disease has become a major cause of death nowadays. The problem starts with so many people eating fatty food that is loaded with saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. The cholesterol can be deposited in your arteries leading to arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. There are two types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) which picks up cholesterol in your arteries and takes it to your liver to get rid of it, this is your monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) deposits cholesterol in your arteries creating a plaque build up, this is your saturated fats and trans fat.
Top 5 Heart Healthy Foods:
1. Wild Salmon: This is one of the healthiest foods you can choose to add to your diet that is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. This kind of fat helps clear the arteries and prevents them from being clogged. This is also an excellent choice because it's a lean meat that is loaded with protein. Salmon can also help with brain problems, memory, blood sugar control, and of course heart problems. You want to try to get wild salmon when you can because they have more omega-3's then the farm raised ones. This is because the farm-raised are fed only grain and food they wouldn't normally eat in the wild, the food that gives salmon so much omega-3 fats. You also need to try to limit the amount of salmon you eat, so you won't over eat it because salmon contains mercury.
2. Walnuts: This is the greatest source for heart healthy fats among the nut group. Walnuts contain the most omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fat than any other nut. You want to stick with these nuts because of the high monounsaturated and lower polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are good like monounsaturated but they take cholesterol in the arteries to the liver and also deposit cholesterol back in the arteries too. Try to add some walnuts to your daily diet, to help lower triglycerides and reduce plaque formation in your arteries.
3. Avocados: They are absolutely loaded with the monounsaturated fat that you need to help in preventing cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis. Avocados are also great for your skin, eyes, reducing your risk of cancer, and a great source for fiber. Make sure to add some avocados to your meals or go out and have a fiesta at a Mexican restaurant without feeling guilty.
4. Dark Chocolate: Yes, this one might seem odd to be beneficial to you, but it is! As long as you eat it in moderation and only eat the darkest chocolate you'll be greatly benefiting. You want to look for dark chocolate that is 60% cocoa and up if you can find it. Dark chocolate is full of flavonoids which help in preventing clogged arteries. Along with clearing out your arteries, it also helps lower blood pressure. When eating this one you have to be careful not to over eat and try consuming just an ounce or two a few times a week.
5. Garlic: It's not just good to protect you from vampires, it also lowers the bad LDL cholesterol and reduces the plaque in your arteries. Garlic also helps in preventing certain cancers and help in the weight loss area. You definitely want to add this spice to your meals throughout the week, to benefit from the strong disease-fighting capabilities it has.
You want to stick to a good diet low in saturated fat, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and limits sugar to better your chances for a longer healthier life. With this diet you must also get some physical activity 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Try to add these foods to your diet to reap the benefits from the powerful fats, antioxidants, and flavanoids.
Check out these great books on heart health!
Top 5 Heart Healthy Foods:
1. Wild Salmon: This is one of the healthiest foods you can choose to add to your diet that is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. This kind of fat helps clear the arteries and prevents them from being clogged. This is also an excellent choice because it's a lean meat that is loaded with protein. Salmon can also help with brain problems, memory, blood sugar control, and of course heart problems. You want to try to get wild salmon when you can because they have more omega-3's then the farm raised ones. This is because the farm-raised are fed only grain and food they wouldn't normally eat in the wild, the food that gives salmon so much omega-3 fats. You also need to try to limit the amount of salmon you eat, so you won't over eat it because salmon contains mercury.
2. Walnuts: This is the greatest source for heart healthy fats among the nut group. Walnuts contain the most omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fat than any other nut. You want to stick with these nuts because of the high monounsaturated and lower polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are good like monounsaturated but they take cholesterol in the arteries to the liver and also deposit cholesterol back in the arteries too. Try to add some walnuts to your daily diet, to help lower triglycerides and reduce plaque formation in your arteries.
3. Avocados: They are absolutely loaded with the monounsaturated fat that you need to help in preventing cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis. Avocados are also great for your skin, eyes, reducing your risk of cancer, and a great source for fiber. Make sure to add some avocados to your meals or go out and have a fiesta at a Mexican restaurant without feeling guilty.
4. Dark Chocolate: Yes, this one might seem odd to be beneficial to you, but it is! As long as you eat it in moderation and only eat the darkest chocolate you'll be greatly benefiting. You want to look for dark chocolate that is 60% cocoa and up if you can find it. Dark chocolate is full of flavonoids which help in preventing clogged arteries. Along with clearing out your arteries, it also helps lower blood pressure. When eating this one you have to be careful not to over eat and try consuming just an ounce or two a few times a week.
5. Garlic: It's not just good to protect you from vampires, it also lowers the bad LDL cholesterol and reduces the plaque in your arteries. Garlic also helps in preventing certain cancers and help in the weight loss area. You definitely want to add this spice to your meals throughout the week, to benefit from the strong disease-fighting capabilities it has.
You want to stick to a good diet low in saturated fat, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and limits sugar to better your chances for a longer healthier life. With this diet you must also get some physical activity 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Try to add these foods to your diet to reap the benefits from the powerful fats, antioxidants, and flavanoids.
Check out these great books on heart health!
photo credit: cohenfamilywellness.blogspot.com
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